
Europe Daily Bulletin No. 8769

24 August 2004
Contents Publication in full By article 10 / 19
GENERAL NEWS / (eu) eu/economy
Inflation rate falls in Euro-zone to 2.3%

Brussels, 23/08/2004 (Agence Europe) - Annual inflation in the Euro zone fell from 2.4% in June to 2.3% in July 20041, according to a report by Eurostat last week. A year earlier the rate was 1.9%. For the EU25 the fall reported in July 2004 was the same, with a rate of 2.3% too. In July 2004, the lowest annual rates were observed in Finland (0.2%), Denmark (1.1%), the Netherlands and Sweden (both 1.2%), and the highest rates were recorded in Slovakia (8.3%), Hungary (7.2%), Latvia (6.7%)...