

Main activities of the European institutions

Friday 26 July

  • EU Council. Preparatory bodies (Brussels): - Coreper I. - Working Party on the United Kingdom. - ‘Justice/Home Affairs Advisers.

Monday 29 July

  • EU Council. Preparatory bodies (Brussels): - Military Committee Working Group (EUMCWG).
  • Court of Justice of the EU (Luxembourg). Exceptional session for the delivery of a series of judgments: - Joined Cases C-112/22 CU and C-223/22 ND (Social assistance - Indirect discrimination - Can access to social security measures be made subject to the condition of having resided for 10 years in the territory of a Member State for the grant of citizenship income?). - C-119/23 (Valančius - Does Union law prohibit a Member State, which has set up a group of independent experts to assess candidates for the office of judge of the General Court of the European Union and to draw up a merit list containing candidates who meet the requirements of professional competence and independence, from choosing from among the candidates on that list a candidate other than the highest-ranked candidate?). - C-202/24 (Alchaster - What is the role of the executing judicial authority of a Member State where a person who is the subject of an arrest warrant based on the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) alleges that he will run the risk of a breach of that principle if he is surrendered to the United Kingdom?); - C-436/22 (ASCEL - In view of the state of conservation of the wolf in Spain, is it compatible with the objective of the directive to maintain or re-establish protected species in a favourable state of conservation to subject that animal species to the strict protection regime south of the River Duero and to the weaker protection regime north of it?). - C-623/22 (Belgian Association of Tax Lawyers and Others - Is the system of compulsory declaration applicable to intermediaries and taxpayers, combined with an automatic exchange of information between the tax authorities of the Member States in respect of potentially aggressive cross-border arrangements, valid?). - Joined Cases C-771/22 (HDI Global) and C-45/23 (MS Amlin Insurance - What is the scope of the protection of travellers in the event of the insolvency of tour operators, as provided for by the Package Travel Directive?). - C-774/22 (FTI Touristik - Foreign element - Where a consumer who has purchased a ‘package holiday’ from a tour operator suffers a setback in connection with that holiday, which court has jurisdiction to hear the dispute?). - C-591/21 P (Ryanair and Laudamotion v Commission - Can a Member State, for objective reasons, reserve aid to make good damage caused by an exceptional occurrence for a single undertaking?). - C-298/22 (Banco BPN/BIC Português and Others - Under what conditions can an exchange of information between competing undertakings be regarded as a restriction of competition by object?). - C-14/23 (Perle - What are the conditions of admission of third-country nationals who wish to pursue their studies in an establishment of higher education in a Member State and the procedural guarantees which they enjoy under Union law?).

Tuesday 30 July

  • EU Council. Preparatory bodies (Brussels): - Working Party on International Environment Issues. - Military Committee Working Group (EUMCWG). - Working Party on Latin America and the Caribbean.

Wednesday 31 July

  • EU Council. Preparatory bodies (Brussels): - Working Party on Non-Proliferation and Arms Exports.