
Europe Daily Bulletin No. 9729

30 August 2008
Contents Publication in full By article 12 / 18
GENERAL NEWS / (eu) eu/economy
Euro area unemployment unchanged at 7.3%

Brussels, 29/08/2008 (Agence Europe) - According to figures published by Eurostat on Friday 29 August, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for the 15 countries of the euro area was 7.3% in July 2008, unchanged from June. It stood at 7.4% in July 2007. In the EU27, the unemployment rate stood at 6.8% in July 2008, as in June. It was 7.1% in July 2007.

16.292 million men and women were unemployed in the EU27 in July 2008, with 11.372 of these in the euro area. Compared with June 2008,...