
Europe Daily Bulletin No. 8527

26 August 2003
Contents Publication in full By article 12 / 22
GENERAL NEWS / (eu) eu/convention/igc
Giscard d'Estaing, Dehaene, Sutherland and Davignon take part in EPC/IRRI Conference on 18 September

Brussels, 25/08/2003 (Agence Europe) - The European Policy Centre founded by Stanley Crossick and the "Institut Royal des Relations Internationales" presided by Etienne Davignon are organising for 18 September in Brussels a conference on the theme "Will the IGC deliver the Europe we need?" under the chairmanship of Etienne Davignon and Peter Sutherland. Work will be opened by Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, and will then take place within three panels on: - internal policies, economic and social...
