
Europe Daily Bulletin No. 9160

26 March 2006
SPECIAL EDITION - SPRING SUMMIT - 23 AND 24 MARCH 2006 / (eu) eu/spring summit
Schüssel and Barroso welcome launch of European Energy Policy - Summit sets quantified targets for revised Lisbon Strategy - Parliament approach to services directive is broadly accepted - Separate paragraph on euro zone - Debate awaited on protectionism before press only - Difficult discussion on future of Europe and enlargement - Toughening over Belarus - Support to Spain after ETA ceasefire - Immigration, Spain and Mauritania

Brussels, 26/03/2006 (Agence Europe) - The European Spring Summit held in Brussels on 23 and 24 March allowed the main ambitions of the Austrian Presidency to be consolidated: - launch of the future European Energy Policy (although some Heads of Government, like German Chancellor Angela Merkel who opened the debate on this subject on Thursday evening, did specify that it is not a matter of giving more power to the European Commission but rather of coordinating the policies of Member States);...